LallianSe x Giant European Health-Tech Innovation week

We are proud to announce our partnership with Giant, for the “European Health-Tech Innovation week” which will be held from May 17th until 21st, in digital. The concept is simple : each day, an European capital will be in the spotlight in terms of health innovation. LallianSe will represent the’French Day’ which will be held on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 ! Find out more about our agenda here.

Our morning speakers

We are very proud to announce our morning speakers and the participation of :

Alexandre Mignon I Université de Paris / APHP
Frédéric Jean I Digital Medical Hub
Alexandre Templier I Quinten Health
Aymeric Lebon I Strategiqual
François-Henri Boissel I Novadiscovery
Yann Gaston-Mathé I Iktos
Franck Le Meur I Techtomed
Philippe Moingeon I Servier
Virginie Lasserre I Janssen
Tawhid Chtioui I Aivancity

Many thanks to them for getting into this great adventure ! See their presentations here :

Our afternoon speakers :

We are very proud to announce our afternoon speakers and the participation of :

Jean-Christophe Peter I Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg
Guillaume Vetter-Genoud I Semia
Joseph André I Pulsalys
Grégory Vernier I MEDICALPS
Jessica Walker I Atlanpole
Simon Benouw I Eurasanté
Cécile Jupin I Business France

Following various technical problems during the inbound trade mission, we had to cut short the presentation of Jessica (Atlanpole) and Cécile (Business France). But with a little imagination and seeing a nice synergy in this duo, we recorded them on a ‘Pitch Party’ format, see the result:

And at last but not least, we are very excited announce our investors panel and the 8 start ups selected to pitch at our Start Up Pitch Contest, represented by :

Bervin BOUANI I Turenne Groupe
Benoit Barteau I Bpifrance
Catherine Boule I Karista
Emmanuelle Deponge I GO CAPITAL
Karine Lignel I Crédit Mutuel Innovation
Jean-Francois RAX I Capital Grand Est
Jérémie Waicenberg I Merieux Equity Partners

BodyCAP Medical I Sébastien Moussay
Healshape I Sophie Brac
Dianosic I Philippe Bastide
Vaxxel I Denis Cavert
Chronolife I Laurent Vandebrouck
Telomium I Guillaume Kellermann
Spartha Medical I Nihal Engin Vrana
AgenT Biotech I Baptiste Billoir

Many thanks to all of them for getting into this great adventure !

FestiLAB #2

New edition, new challenge, new project !

Proposing a new and fresh event requests innovation. We supported the energy of key members of our community by building the Entrepreneurs, an acoustic rock band. Outstanding energy and dynamism to raise funds to support innovative projects in the hospital during this by-invitation only, sponsored and networking event

And oustanding thanks to our sponsors of this second edition, Crédit Mutuel InnovationDechertL3S PartnershipAlira HealthAlizé RPPact & PartnersTech2MedHTI Executive search & LallianSe  of course!

We are so grateful to the Entrepreneurs, who dived in the adventure !

With a conference on Feminism for men, by Noémie Delattre, and a fantastic networking cocktail on LallianSe LAB rooftop

Do you have an artistic talent ?! Do you play music and want to participate ?!

Join us in the adventure … Let’s go 2021!

Reach out to the team,

First FestiLAB

Joining the ecosystem and bringing our stone to the edifice : there are the two objectives of the first FestiLA. Collecting donations to support innovation projects carried out by paramedical personnel from the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne University group through a by-invitation only private networking event : that’s the FestiLAB.

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est logo-festilab.png.

Huge thanks to Raphael for his performance and support of the Association LallianSe pour l’Innovation en Santé

Private and acoustic concert in the chapel of the Saint Louis Church of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital – an privileged moment.

And in the first part, 3 outstanding talents of health innovation on stage:

And finishing with a rooftop cocktail, with the sunset