TheFestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event, to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. Indeed,the profits are then given to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne Université group during the Challenge Innovation.
This 5th edition will be held on Tuesday July 4, 2023, from 6:30 pm., in the chapel of the Saint Louis Church of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Lucie Carbone, humorist and actress, whom we thank. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs: seven talents of health innovation who will take the stage.
We would like to thank all the #benefactors who support this charity event : Goodwin I Lowpital I Alira Health I HTI – Healthcare & Technology International I L3S Partnership I Rumb I TechToMed and of course LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator !
A huge thank you also to our most beautiful music group,The Entrepreneurs, who will host the fundraising evening: Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan &Leo I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler I Mireille Chadaida
As well as our priviledged partners: AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris I Plug & Play I Henry WESTHEAD I PLUG AND PLAY .I Henry WESTHEAD I Cuisine Mode d’Emploi(s) I Nadim Kettaneh and its delicious Lebanese ice cream Bältis and at last but not least Maison Options & ACARIS.
The Entrepreneurs
During the FestiLAB #5, on Tuesday July 4, 2023, the two winners of the #ChallengeInnovation4 were able to present their winning projects.
Find the winners in the article dedicated to the Challenge Innovation #4 !
Let’s go back to FestiLAB #5