About last months #May #June & #July 2024

This is the key word for this first half of 2024!
Every month, we introduce you to the members of our community, because at #LallianSe, we firmly believe in the power of shared #values ​​and synergies.

In this great momentum, during June Julie Rachline was able to anchor our proximity with the Région Grand Est during #NextmedDay, an event dedicated to collaborative innovation and the promotion of innovative projects in the field of health.

Some collaborations are renewed, like a story that is written chapter after chapter…

A few months ago we announced the renewal of our #collaboration with the Rare Diseases Foundation, as part of the co-design workshops in e-health & rare diseases.

Finally, for the 3rd consecutive year, LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator  is a partner of DTx France©.