Webinar equity story


Execute a good equity story to bring the right investors on board?

Join us on Thursday, October 10 at 12 p.m., on Teams.

Registration required at contact@lallianse.com 

#CEOleadership #Investment #Finance #CEOClub

Eurasanté x LallianSe

2024 Partnership NutrEvent

2023 Partnership BioFIT x MedFIT

For the 3rd consecutive year we are #partner of BioFIT Event, a European event dedicated to technology transfer, collaborations between industrialists and academics and early-stage innovations.

#BioFIT is also a European marketplace for seed #investment and venture capital. In Marseille on December 12 & 13 and online on December 15, 2023.

For the 2nd year we are #partner of #MedFIT: European event dedicated to #medtech and #health in general. In Strasbourg on October 10 & 11 and online on October 17, 2023.

As a Health #Integrateur and equity story builder, this event was an #opportunity for future #collaborations.

2022 Partnership BioFIT

BioFIT Event is the leading #event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences. It is also the European marketplace for seed capital and venture capital investment in Life Sciences.

It is in particular with her #BrainTaleCEO‘s cap that Julie Rachline was present. Indeed, LallianSe builds, develops and manages the equity story of BrainTale, our flagship initiative since 2016 :

– Cofounding of the company with Vincent Perlbarg, Didier Cassereau, Louis Puybasset, Damien Galanaud & Velly Lionel
– Integration and reinforcement of the team,
– Accommodation in hospital coworking,
– Management of experts and entrepreneurs in residence,
– Fundraising…

2021 Partnership BioFIT x MedFIT

You had the opportunity to meet us during the 10th edition of #BioFIT2021 and the 5th edition of #MedFIT2021 in digital format from December 7 to 9, 2021 where LallianSe was a partner.

BioFIT Event is the leading event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences. BioFIT is also the European marketplace for seed and venture capital investment in Life Sciences. www.biofit-event.com

MedFIT Event is the first European convention dedicated to partnership innovation and the marketplace for early-stage innovations in the field of medical technologies, diagnostics and digital health. www.medfit-event.com