Innovation and failure are thus instrinsically linked. And the enthusiasm is essential of course!
What about the culture of failure and risk in the innovation ecosystem in France? How to bounce back and keep your enthusiasm? How to accept to go to new situations sometimes difficult?
It is around testimony, then exchange, simple, without taboos and in all benevolence, that we invite you to come and share your enthusiasm and the failures encountered, or to listen to our speakers, in order to highlight the paths to success.
The FestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event, to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. Indeed,the donations are then given to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne Université group.
This 4th edition gave rise to a prive and acoustic concert in the Saint Louis chapel of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Laure Favre-Kahn, solo pianist, whom we thank. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs : eight talents of health innovation, taken on stage.
This evening was an opportunity to recall what the FestiLAB is but more particularly to announce the winners of the Challenge Innovation #3, find the speech here:
The Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) expert in the career development of doctors (PhDs), and LallianSe are pleased to invite you to their first Apéro Doc Doctors & Entrepreneurs on:
Thursday, April 7th 2022, from 6pm
At LallianSe space (Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière)paris 13th
The concept
In order to help you identify the different specificities and levers inherent in business creation, and to highlight the transferability of doctoral skills to entrepreneurship, ABG, specialist in the professional development of doctors (PhDs), and LallianSe, pioneers and initiator of the concept of health innovation integrator, offer their first Apérodoc “Doctors – Entrepreneurs”.
The Apéro’ Doc is an evening in two parts, composed of :
a series of pitches from speakers, all doctors and who have foundedor joined astartup;
followed by a cocktail party, so that each stakeholder can find answers to their questions and enrich their network !
Compulsory registration: before April 4, 2022. Attention limited number of places.
Contribution to costs: €10 per person to be paid when registering. No refund possible if withdrawal after April 4, 2022.
The Association Bernard Gregory (ABG – www.abg.asso.fr) is an association loi 1901, founded in 1980 on the initiative of the Ministry of Research, the CEA and the CNRS.
ABG’s mission is to facilitate the professional mobility of doctors and to support companies in their recruitment of scientific profiles.
It develops specific training for doctoral students, doctors and supervisors, and runs a job site (more than 4,000 job offers, thesis subjects and Master 2 internships) and a CV library of doctors from all disciplines.
The ABG disseminates information and in-depth articles relating to the careers of doctors on its site, social networks, and through newsletters.
It is aimed at a vast network, in France and abroad, of masters, doctoral students, doctors, laboratories, universities and companies.
Aventure de l’Innovation #26 avec Ludovic Robin, en présentiel le mardi 23 novembre 2021 à 19h à l’Appartement de l’Innovation dans l’hôpital Bichat. Inscription à aventures@lallianselab.com