5 years of LallianSe! A brief review…


Today LallianSe celebrates its fifth birthday! And a lot has happened… It is a great opportunity to look back in the mirror:

In total, 26 LallianSe Experts, 51 companies accompanied by LallianSe Entrepreneurs, 14 start-ups hosted within the LallianSe LAB, 36 events bringing together more than 700 people, soon 500 subscribers on our social networks (thank you!), 12 institutional partners & clients including Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, CNRS Innovation, APHP Sorbonne université, Sorbonne université, BPI France le Hub, EITH Health, Fondation Maladies Rares, Business France and more to come…

Our young history is made of several key turn points: building up of the team, deployment of our various activities, navigating through crisis … what we will remember through all these years is that the LallianSe community is the major and key strength, so in 𝟏 one word: THANK YOU for your commitment and your willingness to build with us the foundations of better health.

See you all in 5 years to celebrate our 1st decade!

About last month… #October 2020

October was marked by our Aventure de l’Innovation #18, for the first time 100% digital. This 4-handed event, as shown behind the scenes, was hosted by Jean-Claude Ghislain. Find the replay here!

New! Having switched to 100% digital, we have decided to replace our traditional homemade aperitif with a competition! Extremely simple: a questionnaire is sent after the conference to all our registrants (only). A group of 5 people will be selected and will have the opportunity to have a privileged discussion session with the speaker, for this first edition Jean-Claude Ghislain of course, of about 2 hours. So never wait too long to register for the Aventure de l’Innovation!

Our partnerships

October  has been particularly intense! Starting with our partnership with the HealthTech Innovation Days, bringing together the international health community: investors, entrepreneurs, pharmaceutical industries, experts and others …

We then had the opportunity to get involved with the Fondation Maladies Rares. In line with our values, LallianSe also supports research and this is how we participated in the 2nd 2ème Ateliers de co-design e-santé & maladies rares on October 13, with the presence of Pascale Maisonneuve and Julie Rachline on this event 100 % digital in order to answer the regulatory questions of the various winners. It is a great echo of our support from the Fondation pour la Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale since 15 months.

And we created an EIT Health Catapult Semi-Finals Award on October 21st. In addition to a keynote by Julie Rachline in tandem with Kerry Ritz at the opening of the “biotech” day, we presented the “Most exciting market access perspective Prize” to PhagoMed, do you want to relive this moment? click here!

And there are still some events missing … Participation to the HealthTech Days of Semia, Innovation Days 4 Health of Sorbonne Université …. All in digital, having had to switch back to 100% home office working. If the lockdown #2 is a new ordeal, our activities are developing differently and we will soon be innovating to maintain the bond & the energy of all. Stay tuned!

Hello November !

We held our breath throughout Mr Emmanuel Macron’s speech on October 28th … but in vain … And despite our strict health protocol put in place as soon as the LallianSe LAB reopened last June, it was with great sadness that we had to close our coworking space at Pitié-Salpêtrière again, from October 30th, 2020 and for an indefinite period.

But we haven’t said our last word. Keeping the link with our community is essential for us. So check out our Aventure de l’Innovation #19: ‘L’assurance qualité : c’est important, et ça peut même être amusant’ presented by Joseph Barsey. This conference will take place in 100% digital, on Tuesday November 24th at 6:30 pm, register quickly: aventures@lallianselab.com

What if we took stock of the year 2019 – 2020?

This year has been particularly confusing: short & long at the same time, interspersed, full of twists and turns, uncertainties and challenges …


  • 28 companies driven by LallianSe Entrepreneurs
  • 3 new start-ups including 5 people hosted by LallianSe LAB
  • 5 external events as an organizer or a partner (France and US)
  • 2 LallianSe work-study students and 1 intern recruited
  • 3 Aventures de l’Innovation bringing together more than 100 people from our community
  • 1 new website and 1 blog
  • + 130 new subscribers on our social networks (thank you!)
  • X institutional partners including Business France, Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, BPI France le Hub, Fondation Maladies Rares and many more to come …
  • Not forgetting: 4 new bright pink flamingos at the LallianSe LAB

But it’s hardly a bed of roses like the latter… 2019 – 2020  was also marked by:

  • 4 Aventures de l’Innovation canceled
  • 1 Challenge Innovation et 1 Remise de Prix postponed
  • 1 FestiLAB #3 postponed to 2021
  • 3 months of closure of the LallianSe LAB

This year allowed us to realize how thrilled we were to work together on a daily basis, whether between: the LallianSe team, the LallianSe LAB coworkers, our Experts and our clients, but also during our events.

So in 𝟏 one word: 𝑀𝐸𝑅𝐶𝐼! We wish all our community LallianSe a great summer, see you soon!