The FestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event, to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. Indeed,the donations are then given to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne Université group.
This 4th edition gave rise to a prive and acoustic concert in the Saint Louis chapel of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Laure Favre-Kahn, solo pianist, whom we thank. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs : eight talents of health innovation, taken on stage.
We would like to thank all the sponsors who support this charity event: Goodwin I Lowpital I Nextep Health I Alira Health I HTI – Healthcare & Technology International I L3S Partnership I TechToMed I Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS) and of course LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator !
A huge thank you also to our most beautiful music group, The Entrepreneurs, who hosted the fundraising evening: Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Emmanuelle Deponge Dorothée Uriet and Mireille Chadaida 🤘 🙏
As well as our privileged partners: AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris I Tableaux Paris I Henry WESTHEAD I
This evening was an opportunity to recall what the FestiLAB is but more particularly to announce the winners of the Challenge Innovation #3, find the speech here:
The Entrepreneurs
Laure Favre-Kahn, pianist
Let’s go back to FestiLAB #4!