On your marks, get set…GO ! The tone was set from the beginning of September: commitment, collaboration, festive!
Commitment: with the Smile Incubator, we were pleased to announce the #launch of LallianSe Education : #training programs for health innovation players. Sharing our experiences, our knowledge and creating dialogue between different worlds while helping to train the managers of tomorrow: this is the approach that we favor, in addition to our other activities, to build an environment favorable to the success of health innovations.
First stone with the #DragonAcademy, thanks too Ebba Fåhraeus and SmiLe Incubator. And it is alongside Luca Venza that Julie Rachline and Emmanuelle Deponge are co-piloting the initiative.

September was also an opportunity to invite you behind the scenes of a #brainstorming made in LallianSe and to briefly share our thoughts and exchanges around a question:
What are the pitfalls encountered in the innovation ecosystem?
To answer this question, and because entrepreneurship is an #Adventure strewn with lots of #Embûche, we launched the 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐮̂𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐥’𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: series of testimonials and sharing. For the 1st eidition, you could find Stephane Degove who enthusiastically shared his pitfalls as #CEO at Atamyo Therapeutics, and highlighted his paths to #success.

We close this series of news with another #milestone: thanks to your #support w have reached the 1000 LinkedIn followers. More than numbers, we are building a #community to build the environment conducive to everyone’s success. It was therefore an opportunity for the whole team: Julie Rachline I Pascale Maisonneuve I Shahrzad Moradi I Daphné Revol I Karine Coquelin I Emmanuelle Deponge I Benedicte Garbil I Vincent Montlahuc and Sylvie Bove to thank you for following our adventures on LinkedIn. A nod to Mathieu Michalet who played the game and whom we had the pleasure of meeting in the flesh.
Collaboration: active support of the Agora of digital care, we have organized the satellite meeting event between #investors and spin-off of the AP-HP, a priviledged “interface” in which LallianSe is part of on a daily basis. As a reminder, the Agora was a first free event, with moments of exchange at the crossroads of research, care and innovation through workshops, conferences and meeting times, immersed in the heart of the hospital of the Hôtel Dieu.
This collaboration is an extension of our initiatives to promote the emergence of new models of partnerships between the world of #startups and the world of #hospital.
Again, alongside the Fondation Paralysie Cérébrale through #STEPtember. We have taken up this 3 in 1 challenge which allows you to walk 10 000 steps a day. Congrats and thank you to UroMems, BrainTale, Catherine Boule, Lowpital and the entire LallianSe #team for playing the game. More than 11 people registered in the team and funds raised for the Fondation – we continue!
Together, we generated 𝟭,𝟱𝟬𝟴,𝟯𝟳𝟴 steps!

Finally, for the 4th consecutive year, LallianSe was a partner of the Pharma HealthTech: an event organized by Pharmaceutiques and TechToMed, this edition was focused on the theme of #AI. Member of the network of LallianSe #Expert, #sponsor of the #FestiLAB since the first edition and so many other past and future collaboartions, we are delighted to once again support Franck and more broadly the TechToMed team.
In the news of our start-ups and our offers, we were delighted to highlight:
- Surge, which carried out its first fundraising of €2.5 million and entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Stanford. We have already been actively collaborating alongside the management and operational team for 9 months on fundraising and equity story issues.
- VistaCare Medical is more than one of our historical clients – it has become a unique professional #meeting between our #Expert Thierry Sarda, in residence for 4 years alongside the president of Vistacare, François Dufaÿ. During a #staffmeeting of the multidisciplinary “Wounds & Healing” team of Bichat #hospital, Thierry Sarda came to present #WECtherapy, an innovative approach proposed by VistaCare Medical to take care of difficult wounds. The opportunity to highlight an example of our hospital immersion.
Another example of our hospital immersion ? We have partnered with the GHU APHP. Paris Nord to launch the Par’InnovChallenge for #medical #paramedical and #medicotechnical personnel. We thought of this open #innovation approach as an opportunity to get the #hospital community to interact around innovation issues. Beyond the financial envelope, #accompaniment LallianSe will promote the acceleration of these projects for patients and healthcare professionals.
What is the point of innovating, if we are not protected? This was the theme of our last Aventure de l’Innovation. For this #webinar, we welcomed Jean-René Bailly & Nadine Rocaboy from Plasseraud IP to share with enthusiasm and professionalism the challenges of industrial property. You weren’t able to attend this #Aventuredelinnovation and you want to know more about #intellectualproperty? Find the #replay here.
Remember, she led our Aventure de l’Innovation #32, recently arrived at LallianSe, Benedicte Garbil is our Entrepreneur in Residence, notably carrying our #RHUaccess offer, to prepare healthcare establishments for #RHU calls for projects. Beyond shared values, she was able to immediately grasp the added value of LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator: a job as a translator that allows dialogue and understanding of different worlds. Find her in the last episode of our Do You Speak LallianSe ?
#LallianSeenmouvement – you couldn’t miss it.. Indeed, the month of October was eventful!
1. We went back to digital class with the Université Grenoble Alpes with students for an intervention on #entrepreneurship and the different actors. Julie Rachline and Daphné Revol were delighted to interact with these students who demonstrate a strong enthusiasm for the #challenges and issues of the health innovation ecosystem.

2. It was then Emmanuelle Deponge who went with our partner Techtomed and Franck LE MEUR on the #LearningExpedition to #Berlin in #immersion in a German #digitalhealth #ecosystem. This#experience was an opportunity to seek inspiration and feed our thoughts on #innovation. In line with our ambitions, we want to #decompartmentalize, dare different approaches and have an impact beyond our borders.

3. On the occasion of the #Journéedelaudition2022 organizad by the Société Française d’ORL – SFORL and the Fondation Pour l’Audition in Marseille, thank you to Bernard Fraysse for inviting our president Julie Rachline to participate in the #Jury of # Innovations in #audiology and #otology, as well as a round table.

4. Then, in Sweden the 5th training session of the #DragonAcademy program took place in a #workshop format led by the LallianSe pair Emmanuelle Deponge & Julie Rachline. Practical session for the Academy: how to work on an investment thesis? What are the elements to highlight in an investment strategy geared towards venture capitalists (#VCs)? With concrete cases, the participants will work on the construction of “compatible VC” investment theses.

5. Finally, at the France Healthcare Innovation Summit 2022 the objective of which was to address #innovation geared towards new medicine and the transformation of healthcare systems in France around various #roundtables. As an #integrator of health innovations, we were a stakeholder in this event through our prism of hospital #immersion and growth support.

As you will have understood, sharing our experiences by supporting the training of tomorrow’s professionals, having a hospital #immersion that encourages us to understand medical needs in a holistic way: these are the markdowns that we favor, in addition to our other activities, to build an environment conducive to the #success of #innovations.