This is the key word of this month of March where we marked the occasion with #LImprodelaValo: an original and unique event to highlight the promotion of research.

Imagine: 3 teams made up of an #Entrepreneur / #Researcher, an #Investor and a representative of a technology transfer organization, who will compete in comparative theatrical #improvisation around a negotiation point ‘a letter of intent. The goal? Share funny situations – or less! – and react on negotiation themes, complementary points of view and allow everyone to change costumes within the framework of the negotiations. Based on the audience’s applause, the victorious team will be chosen.
Co-organized by the Institut Curie, the Institut Pasteur & LallianSe, this is the crazy idea that Jérémie, Alexandre and Julie had. For one evening, they were able to take on the role of team captains, the event being refereed by Helene Chausson, BrainTale improvisation coach in her spare time.
Bravo to Catherine Boule, Karista • Stephane Tholander, Agora Health • Miranda DELMOTTE, CNRS Innovation • Giacomo Gropplero, Institut Curie • Valerio Laghi, Institut Pasteur • Julien Macquet, Elaia • Claire Héritier, LUTECH • Matthieu Coutet, Sofinnova Partners • Bruno Montanari, Seroba. and thank you to each of them for taking part in the exercise.
Find all the information and photos from the event in the dedicated article.
A few days later, we were delighted to host the 3rd breakfast on the theme of #equitystory organized by Quest for health.

An opportunity to share the experience of BrainTale, our flagship initiative. Through concret examples of the relationship between a CEO represented by Julie, and an investor, represented by Virginie MIATH, Director of Investments at Capital Grand Est, the participants were able to leave with a guide to good practices: the 10 commandments of investment thesis.
Thanks to Romain Neidl, PhD Guillaume Vetter-Genoud, PhD, MBA for the invitation and the organization and to Virginie for being in tandem with Julie on stage.
In the deployment of the #LallianSeEducation initiatives and the #DUGBM University Diploma, the organization of which is partly operated by #LallianSe alongside Pierre Mozer & Alain Sezeur, we contributed to the last module for the 2024 class.
Julie Rachline : #financing and the investment thesis
Karine Lignel estified as an #entrepreneur (Oncodesign Precision Medicine – OPM)
Chantal BELORGEY presented early access to medicines
Laura Laughlin concluded with the steps to market access for a vaccine
Finally, the last session of the DU highlighted the ABG – Association Bernard Gregory, member of the LallianSe network and represented by Vincent Mignotte, about the initiation and development of its #network.
Then sharing a collaboration emanating from a mutual desire to transform innovation and develop it in care in a new episode of Do You Speak LallianSe ?
Between @Hôtel-Dieu and its Apéros de l’Innovation, the #Agora of digital care, #APInnov and more recently #ASIIA (Association of Innovative Companies from AP-HP), so many initiatives which are starting a innovative dynamic, promote and support the creation of #startups, in connection with one of the largest (eco)health systems in Europe, the #APHP.
At #LallianSe, we believe in the power of synergies, the #network and shared #values.
Met almost 20 years ago in another life as an #investor, Karine joined the #LallianSe adventure by supporting its strategy through her commitment as a member of the strategic steering committee.
Much more than support in our strategy by being part of the #copil, it is shared values, sincere friendship, associative commitment and professional complementarity which have been established and consolidated over time. Thank you for these wonderful years of trust.
Entrepreneurial success is not a linear journey… Are you wondering how to bounce back and maintain your enthusiasm despite the pitfalls of the entrepreneurial journey?

During the 5th edition of Les Embûches de l’Innovation, we had the pleasure of welcoming Laurent Levy co-founder and #CEO of Nanobiotix: a pioneering company and leader in #nanomedicine having developed a revolutionary approach in the treatment of cancer. A #CEOTalk with privileged, valuable and unfiltered sharing of experiences, offering an inspiring vision of the future. This event embodies our commitment to promoting a culture of innovation where humility, resilience and agility are fundamental values.
This event embodies our commitment to promoting a culture of innovation where humility, resilience and agility are fundamental values.
Another notable fact that highlights Equity Story support by LallianSe: #Surge, supported by #LallianSe since the end of 2021, has just completed its seond fundraising of 7,5M€ ! 🚀
For more than two years we have worked closely alongside #Surge leaders on the issues of #fundraising and execution of an attractive and coherent #equitystory, as a #SparringPartner.
But what is a « Sparring Partner ?
He is above all a #partner. With a tailor-made approach and in a relationship of equals, we support, manage, question, strengthen and explore strategies and their implementation together.
We face challenges together, and celebrate victories together. Congratulations to the whole #Team: Julien Hedou, Valentin Picot, Brice Gaudilliere, Dyani Jones, Franck Verdonk, Benjamin Choisy, Grégoire Bellan.
Very happy to also announce the renewal of our partnership with Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS)!
Led by Sébastien Giraudier, PhD, #Neighborhood is a support program for 13 health #startups which offers a series of interviews, exchanges and mentoring sessions for 12 months.
For 3 years already, led by Emmanuelle Deponge, a LallianSe Expert, involved in the selection of projects, #NBGH has entrusted us with the 360° Sessions in a format specifically organized to meet the challenges of the program
This is how we were able to launch the new #Neighbors promotion.
More info on the dedicated article.
For the 3rd consecutive year, Julie contributed to the co-design workshops in e-health & rare diseases organized by the Rare Diseases Foundation.
At #LallianSe, our #experience in constructing investment theses allows us to highlight the most relevant dimensions and milestones of each project, thus providing necessary insight and value creation for investors.
We are delighted to see the ‘SCLER-AIME’ project led by Cloé Comarmond, internist at the Lariboisière hospital of the #APHP designated #winner with support of €5,000.