L’Impro de la Valo : a Curie, Pasteur & LallianSe event

Stay tuned to discover every week the talents of #LImprodelaValo, where innovation and improvisation meet!

The Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur & LallianSe invite* you to a quirky and exclusive professional evening, where laughter mixes with innovation!

A theatrical improvisation match around the theme of promoting research, organized jointly by the teams of the Institut Pasteur, the Institut Curie and LallianSe, forming 3 teams of 3 candidates, formed in advance. Each team, made up of Entrepreneur/Researcher, Investor and representative of a technology transfer organization, – where each does not play their role – will compete in comparative improvisation around a point of negotiation of a letter of intention.

Between experiences, fantasies and realities, investors, entrepreneurs / researchers and development players take the stage to share funny situations – or less so! – and react on themes of negotiations, differences and allow everyone to identify the point of view of others.

Using the applause meter, the victorious team will be designated, and the refereeing, according to the rules of theatrical improvisation, will allow the orchestration of an entertainment lasting approximately 1h15, punctuated by dynamic exchanges with the guests, before continue with a light cocktail planned for the occasion.

The evening will be hosted by partners and team captains: Jérémie Weber (Institut Curie), Julie Rachline (LallianSe) et Alexandre Batch (Institut Pasteur), the event being refereed by Hélène Chausson, BrainTale, coach of theatrical improvisation in herspare time!

Monday March 11th, 2024,
at the Institut Curie (Paris 5)

More information: contact@lallianse.com

Private evening, personal and non-transferable invitations.

Invitations to win here! Please note that the offer is limited to the first 20 participants (closed).

#LImprodelaValo : an original and unique event to highlight the promotion of research!

Many thanks to Catherine Boule, KaristaStephane Tholander, Agora HealthMiranda DELMOTTE, CNRS InnovationGiacomo Gropplero, Institut CurieValerio Laghi, Institut PasteurJulien Macquet, ElaiaClaire Héritier, LUTECHMatthieu Coutet, Sofinnova PartnersBruno Montanari, Seroba. who shone on stage sharing funny and inspiring moments, while exploring the challenges of negotiation.

Standing ovations to our team captains and partners:: Jérémie, Alexandre et Julie, as well as to our referee Helene Chausson from BrainTale, who orchestrated this evening with talent and originality.

Finally, we thank the numerous spectators who came and the event was sold out. We are sorry not to have been able to register everyone, but….

We are delighted to announce that the victorious blue team, decided by public vote, will defend their title in our next edition! #Staytuned 🏆

A look back at the event in video and images