About last months #November & #December 2021


November has started with an exciting news for one of LallianSe clients portfolio companies since 2018 and our Expert-in-Residence Stéphane Milot: Congratulations to Biomunex, and the team led by Dr Pierre-Emmanuel Gerard, founder and CEO of Biomunex, alongside Institut Curie and GTP Bioways, who has announced that “its BiXAb5 project has received close to €3 million ($3.5M) in grants from the French government as part of the ‘Grand Défi Biomédicament’ scheme. A total budget of €5.6 million ($6.5M) is allocated to this project.”. Find the press release here.

It is always with joy that LallianSe participates in discussions on health innovation. This is how you were able to meet Julie Rachline, LallianSe CEO, and Emmanuelle Garnier, deputy director at the Montpellier University Hospital to talk about the approaches they are developing to support innovation within public hospitals around an afterwork organized by Lowpital.

We went through the month with the 26th edition of our Aventures de l’Innovation. We warmly thank Ludovic for this open session, rich in information and intimate.

Finally, November ended with a very good news for another of our long-standing clients: VistaCare by DTAMedical, which has reached a new milestone in its development and is setting up in Besançon. A big thank you for your trust, we were delighted to welcome the team and in particular Naima BEN BELKACEM in recent months in our coworking room in the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator continues to support VistaCare by DTAMedical in its project, for ever more innovation and success! A new stage of the Adventure taking shape in Besançon.


You had the opportunity to meet us during the 10th edition of #BioFIT2021 and the 5th edition of #MedFIT2021 in digital format from December 7 to 9, 2021 where LallianSe was a partner.
BioFIT Event is the leading event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences. BioFIT is also the European marketplace for seed and venture capital investment in Life Sciences.🌐 www.biofit-event.com
MedFIT Event is the first European convention dedicated to partnership innovation and the marketplace for early-stage innovations in the field of medical technologies, diagnostics and digital health. 🌐 www.medfit-event.com

We continued the month with the 27th edition of our Aventures de l’Innovation. We warmly thank Jean-Claude for this update and a question-rich session.

Remember, during FestiLAB #3 in July 2021 we presented Cécile Combes, pediatric physiotherapist at Armand-Trousseau Hospital and #winner of our call for projects, the #ChallengeInnovation launched on the university hospital group #APHP. Sorbonne University.
Cécile spoke for a few minutes to pitch her innovative project: the pikidou … What a great development since then, because in less than a year and thanks to the donations raised at #FestiLAB and then given to the project, a few days ago, the first Pikidou was born! Follow the evolution here🔻

To finish with, places have become available in our 2 coworking spaces in hospital immersion!

The LallianSe LAB is an initiative born in 2017, with the creation of a 1st coworking space located in the GHU Hôpitaux Universitaires Pitié Salpêtrière – Charles Foix (APHP), then a second in the GHU Hôpital Paris Nord Bichat, called ‘L’Appartement de l’Innovation’ and created in September 2021. In total immersion and a single point of contact between innovative private & public players, our ambition is to federate, energize and promote innovation in Health.

Do you want to be in close contact with the LallianSe community ? Are you looking for interactions with healthcare professionals, or do you simply need an immersed workspace at the AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris ? Contact-us : contact@lallianse.com

Our coworking spaces are waiting for you!