Quest for Health x Capital Grand Est x LallianSe

We are delighted to have hosted the 3rd breakfast on the theme of #equitystory, organized by Quest for health
An opportunity to share the experience of BrainTale, our flagship initiative.
Through concrete examples of the relationship between a CEO and an investor, represented by Virginie MIATH, Director of Investments at Capital Grand Est, participants were able to leave with a guide to good practices: the 10 commandments of the investment thesis.
Thanks to Romain Neidl, PhD Guillaume Vetter-Genoud, PhD, MBA for the invitation and the organization,and to Virginie for agreeing to take part in the exercise.
Would you like to receive support? Are you interested in the theme? Send us an email to

Les Embûches de l’Innovation #5

Entrepreneurial success is not a linear journey… Are you wondering how to bounce back and maintain enthusiasm despite the pitfalls of the entrepreneurial journey?

To answer these questions and yours, the #LallianSe team is delighted to announce the 5th edition of the 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐮̂𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐥’𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: a testimony, followed by an open and taboo-free exchange.

We will have the pleasure of welcoming Laurent  Levy co-founder and CEO of Nanobiotix : a pioneering company and leader in nanomedicine having developed a revolutionary approach to the treatment of cancer. 

Since its creation almost 20 years ago, Nanobiotix has gone through both original and more traditional development stages, before finalizing a strategic agreement with the big pharma in 2023.

Join us to cultivate #resilience, learn to transform difficulties into opportunities and capitalize on this sharing of experiences to adjust your approach to the future.

Meet us on Monday April 22, 2024 at 7pm

In person, at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital

Event by registration
Donation of 12€ minimum for food expenses

Do you speak LallianSe ? #25 Carole Nevès, BiotechStudio

First integrated into the LallianSe #community through our #events, Carole Neves joined our #community of #Experts in residence as Sparring and Operating partner, particularly with EVerZom and international clients.

Our common ambition to support the creation and development of start-ups, combined with Carole‘s keen #expertise in rare diseases, gene therapies and other innovative products, allows us to offer a 360° vision of the challenges of business development and health products

Ultimately, it is a #synergy that supports the startup’s value creation and actively contributes to its success.

Meet Carole Neves in our #𝐃𝐨𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐋𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐞?

 #health #DYSL #team #Expert #XIR

L’Impro de la Valo #1 : a Curie, Pasteur & LallianSe event

The Institut Curie, Institut Pasteur & LallianSe invite* you to a quirky and exclusive professional evening, where laughter mixes with innovation!

A theatrical improvisation match around the theme of promoting research, organized jointly by the teams of the Institut Pasteur, the Institut Curie and LallianSe, forming 3 teams of 3 candidates, formed in advance. Each team, made up of Entrepreneur/Researcher, Investor and representative of a technology transfer organization, – where each does not play their role – will compete in comparative improvisation around a point of negotiation of a letter of intention.

Between experiences, fantasies and realities, investors, entrepreneurs / researchers and development players take the stage to share funny situations – or less so! – and react on themes of negotiations, differences and allow everyone to identify the point of view of others.

Using the applause meter, the victorious team will be designated, and the refereeing, according to the rules of theatrical improvisation, will allow the orchestration of an entertainment lasting approximately 1h15, punctuated by dynamic exchanges with the guests, before continue with a light cocktail planned for the occasion.

The evening will be hosted by partners and team captains: Jérémie Weber (Institut Curie), Julie Rachline (LallianSe) et Alexandre Batch (Institut Pasteur), the event being refereed by Hélène Chausson, BrainTale, coach of theatrical improvisation in herspare time!

Monday March 11th, 2024,
at the Institut Curie (Paris 5)

More information:

Private evening, personal and non-transferable invitations.

Invitations to win here! Please note that the offer is limited to the first 20 participants (closed).

#LImprodelaValo : an original and unique event to highlight the promotion of research!

Many thanks to Catherine Boule, KaristaStephane Tholander, Agora HealthMiranda DELMOTTE, CNRS InnovationGiacomo Gropplero, Institut CurieValerio Laghi, Institut PasteurJulien Macquet, ElaiaClaire Héritier, LUTECHMatthieu Coutet, Sofinnova PartnersBruno Montanari, Seroba. who shone on stage sharing funny and inspiring moments, while exploring the challenges of negotiation.

Standing ovations to our team captains and partners:: Jérémie, Alexandre et Julie, as well as to our referee Helene Chausson from BrainTale, who orchestrated this evening with talent and originality.

Finally, we thank the numerous spectators who came and the event was sold out. We are sorry not to have been able to register everyone, but….

We are delighted to announce that the victorious blue team, decided by public vote, will defend their title in our next edition! #Staytuned 🏆

A look back at the event in video and images

BPIFrance Le Hub x Fab’entech x LallianSe

For almost 4 years now, the relationship driven by Bpifrance Le Hub betweenFab’entech and LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator has been enriched and developed.

Initiated as #SparringPartner following the arrival of Sébastien IVA as Chairman of the Management Board in 2020, the translation of the vision, the outline of the roadmap and the articulation of the investment thesis have gradually strengthened the agenda of interactions and existing support.

A real pleasure to support the evolution of #Fabentech towards its position as European leader!

Discover all of our feedback here 👉 link to the interview

Success story : Biomunex Pharmaceuticals

January 2024

A few months ago, in one of the last DYSL Pierre-Emmanuel Gerard, presented the key issues of BIOMUNEX PHARMACEUTICALS.

Very happy to share today this excellente news for the development of #Biomunex.

For more than 5 years, with one of our key Expert-in-Residence, Stéphane MILOT, with Loïc MOULARD also for a few months, at the helm of the outsourced Financial Department, as well as our support around different strategic and operational perspectives, #LallianSe is pleased to contribute to the success of Biomunex.

Congratulations to the entire team for starting this clinical study ! 👏

Find out more👉

#Partnership #innovation #biotech #healthcare #immunotherapy #XIR

Do you speak LallianSe ? #24 Benjamin Pruvost, FRM

Since its creation in 1947, by supporting research, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale plays a crucial role in the development of research projects and support for researchers. 

The #valorization of this work represents a strategic and significant approach while resulting from a plural and complex process. This is why, with our know-how and our tailor-made courses, #LallianSe has been supporting the #FRM for several years to initiate, explore and develop its inspiring and original approach, making it a unique player in the valorization and maturation of biomedical research projects.

More than a #collaboration, this relationship is based on common values and a shared ambition. We are proud to count the #FRM among our #partners.

Meet Benjamin PRUVOST in our #𝐃𝐨𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐋𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐞?

#health #DYSL #team #foundation #network #community

About last months #November & #December 2023



This is the key word of this month of November where we had the pleasure of welcoming Jean-François BREPSON during the 4th 𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐮̂𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐥’𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : series of testimonies followed by an open and taboo-free exchange.

#CEO PathoQuest, a key player in the French bioproduction sector of innovative medicines but also historical relationship LallianSe since its creation 8 years ago, the developments of PathoQuest under the impetus and leadership of Jean-François offer a fine example of agile and efficient growth… even if it has not been an easy journey.

Cultivating #resilience, learning to turn failures into opportunities and using this shared experience to adjust your approach to the future is essential.

Then share a concrete and inspiring example based on values and our common ethics in a new episode of Do You Speak LallianSe ?

For more than 70 years, the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale has been the essential private player in financing biomedical research in France. Since 2013, through the management of the Béatrice Denys Foundation under the aegis of the #FRM, the relationship with Julie has been created. And, since 2019 #LallianSe has been supporting the #FRM to initiate, explore and develop its inspiring and original approach to become a relevant player in the promotion and maturation of research projects.

Beyond the #sparringpartner and #operatingpartner approach, Julie & Emmanuelle have built a relationship of trust and quality by concretizing strategic issues, supporting operational implementation, by carrying out targeted interactions with stakeholders. keys while supporting internal teams on a daily basis.

Thanks to Valerie Lemarchandel Florence Guibal and all the FRM teams for their trust.

Finally, sharing expertise and defining common objectives are the keys to health innovation.

This is why we actively participated in the CHU Healthtech Connexion Day, organized by France Biotech in Marseille. During a workshop, Julie shared the fruits of our numerous #initiatives resulting from our hospital immersion, thus answering essential questions: how to define innovation – medical and paramedical – in hospitals? What are the conditions for the emergence of innovation in hospitals?

To innovate and develop effective health solutions, we must understand and absorb the needs of the market, staff, users and especially patients. We have been present in the field, for the last 8 years, to outline trajectories through our innovation competitions (#ChallengeInnovation / #ParInnovChallenge), more recently, the creation of #ASIIA or our flagship initiatives like BrainTale.

Our commitment doesn’t stop there! And speaking of BrainTale, Julie inaugurated GROUPE MACSF brand new podcast project by answering a more general question: how to improve the health of tomorrow?

Julie was able to present a future in which, thanks to a better knowledge of the brain, BrainTale, will allow us to anticipate, prevent and adjust our care pathways and our preventive vision to improve our brain health. 🎧 To listen to it, go here.



At #LallianSe, we believe in the power of #synergies, #network and shared #values.

A recent Doctor of Pharmacy graduate, Eilone has led important work on the question of how #CDMOs drive innovation within the biologics industry. With her in-depth understanding of the CDMO market and landscape, as well as her experience in #capitaldev, Eilone joined our #Expert #network a few months ago as a junior project manager. At (only) 27 years old, his added value and vision brought dynamic energy and strengthened our commitment to the younger generation. Meet Eilone in our latest 𝐃𝐨𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐋𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐞 ?

Being an integrator means helping to open up perspectives to build an environment favorable to the success of health innovations – and this requires the integration of the international vision…

This year again LallianSe will be present in San Francisco for #JPMorgan week and will partner with #BusinessFrance for #FrenchHealthcareAfterwork next Monday January 8.

Are you nearby? Join us !

A big thank you to the entire #team Business France Healthcare – North America Jerome Revole Marie-Astrid Sevilla Ludmilla Potiron Camille Risso and our partners for the week and the event ORCOM US ICOSA Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS) CCI GRAND EST France Biotech Eurobiomed

…or even by the European vision….

For the 3rd consecutive year we are a partner of BioFIT Event, a European event dedicated to technology transfer, collaborations between industrialists and academics and early-stage innovations.

#BioFIT is also a European marketplace for seed #investment and venture capital. As a #Health Integrator, #LallianSe supports the actions around this event: an #opportunity to explore future #collaborations with the ecosystem.

And finally how to evaluate the potential of your innovation and how to create a solid value proposition of your startup?

Remember, we started the summer of 2023 by inaugurating the 1st edition of the “Startup Alumni Breakfasts” of the Institut Pasteur. Invited by Alexandre Batch during the 2nd session of the “Startup Breakfast” Julie had the opportunity to answer these questions in an interactive format.

Crucial steps for the success of #startups, since 2015 LallianSe has made it its mission: to build the environment favorable to the economic success of health innovations by articulating investment theses, through tailor-made courses and an approach agile.

We were happy to contribute to these questions. We are also preparing a surprise for you with the Institut Pasteur… stay tuned!

Finally… to everyone – clients, experts and entrepreneurs in residence, coworkers, partners, entrepreneurs, investors, hospital staff and all those who follow our adventures:

The year #2023 is ending, it’s time to wish you all a very happy holiday. But also to say M E R C I! #Thank you for these #synergies, these exchanges, and these projects, which are always more inspiring, attractive and motivating. Thanks to you, a virtuous circle is being built, and this is the greatest reward for us. 

See you in 2024 🚀

Institut Pasteur x LallianSe

December 9th, 2023

How to assess the potential of your #innovation and how to create a solid value proposition for your #startup?

Remember, we started the summer of 2023 by inaugurating the 1st edition of the “Startup Alumni Breakfasts” at the Institut Pasteur. Yesterday, invited by Alexandre Batch, PhD – MBA during the 2nd session of the “Startup Breakfast” Julie had the opportunity to answer these questions in an #interactive format.

Crucial steps for the success of #startups, since 2015 #LallianSe has made it its mission: to build the environment favorable to the economic success of health innovations by articulating investment theses, through tailor-made #pathways and an #agile approach.

July 6th 2023

We were asked by Alexandre Batch, PhD – MBA to co-organize and inaugurate the 1st edition of the “Startup Alumni Breakfasts” of the Institut Pasteur on the theme How can governance become a tool for investor relations ?

Governance is at the heart of strategy and particularly in relations with investors. This informal breakfast thus proposed to explore and share with concrete cases the strategic interest of governance in the creation of company value .

Thanks to Alexandre Batch, PhD – MBA & Marion Le Foll for giving us carte blanche to invite Connie Coulomb, vice-president of the specialized investment bank BioPharma Capital, based in the US. In a format of exchange of experiences, the dialogue also made it possible to discuss the similarities and differences between the EU and the United States.

Eurasanté x LallianSe

2023 Partnership BioFIT x MedFIT

For the 3rd consecutive year we are #partner of BioFIT Event, a European event dedicated to technology transfer, collaborations between industrialists and academics and early-stage innovations.

#BioFIT is also a European marketplace for seed #investment and venture capital. In Marseille on December 12 & 13 and online on December 15, 2023.

For the 2nd year we are #partner of #MedFIT: European event dedicated to #medtech and #health in general. In Strasbourg on October 10 & 11 and online on October 17, 2023..

As a Health #Integrateur and equity story builder, this event was an #opportunity for future #collaborations.

2022 Partnership BioFIT

BioFIT Event is the leading #event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences. It is also the European marketplace for seed capital and venture capital investment in Life Sciences.

It is in particular with her #BrainTaleCEO‘s cap that Julie Rachline was present. Indeed, LallianSe builds, develops and manages the equity story of BrainTale, our flagship initiative since 2016 :

– Cofounding of the company with Vincent Perlbarg, Didier Cassereau, Louis Puybasset, Damien Galanaud & Velly Lionel
– Integration and reinforcement of the team,
– Accommodation in hospital coworking,
– Management of experts and entrepreneurs in residence,
– Fundraising…

2021 Partnership BioFIT x MedFIT

You had the opportunity to meet us during the 10th edition of #BioFIT2021 and the 5th edition of #MedFIT2021 in digital format from December 7 to 9, 2021 where LallianSe was a partner.

BioFIT Event is the leading event in Europe for technology transfer, academia-industry collaborations and early-stage innovations in the field of Life Sciences. BioFIT is also the European marketplace for seed and venture capital investment in Life Sciences.

MedFIT Event is the first European convention dedicated to partnership innovation and the marketplace for early-stage innovations in the field of medical technologies, diagnostics and digital health.