This is the key word for this first half of 2024!
Every month, we introduce you to the members of our community, because at #LallianSe, we firmly believe in the power of shared #values and synergies.
Eve, a recent graduate of #ESCP and the latest addition to the #team as a #startup & #innovation manager, is above all passionate about health entrepreneurship.
Beyond her already demonstrated culinary talents, she actively contributes to supporting our partners and #startups and contributes to building the environment favorable to the success of innovations with agility and efficiency.
Meet Eve Le Bail, Startup & Innovation Manager in our #𝐃𝐨𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐋𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐒𝐞?
In this great momentum, during June Julie Rachline was able to anchor our proximity with the Région Grand Est during #NextmedDay, an event dedicated to collaborative innovation and the promotion of innovative projects in the field of health.
Supported by BioValley France, Nextmed Strasbourg and in particular Quest for health among others, the event allowed participants to identify the issues linked to the “Major challenges and themes #France2030“.
Alongside Bruno FERRY, Economic Advisor in artificial and digital intelligence at DREETS Grand-Est, Julie spoke with the hat of #CEO BrainTale. They were able to discuss the major advances and opportunities offered by #AI and diagnostics in the service of health.
Thanks to the Florian Turot Anaïs Schambil teams for the organization and Mériadec Gaignard for the moderation!
Some collaborations are renewed, like a story that is written chapter after chapter…
A year ago, during the 2023 edition of AP Innov, we witnessed the announcement of the creation of 𝗔𝗦𝗜𝗜𝗔 : the 𝗔ssociation des 𝗦ociétés 𝗜nnovantes 𝗜ssues from 𝗔P-HP co-founded by Julie Rachline who serves as its general secretariat, alongside Pierre Mozer & Nicolas Castoldi.
Created by and for entrepreneurs and health professionals, #ASIIA is part of initiatives, such as the Third Place BOpEx or @Hôtel-Dieu which initiate an innovative dynamic, promote and support the creation of #startups, in connection with the one of the largest (eco)health systems in Europe, the #APHP.

Join the virtuous circle of #APHP #spinoffs by joining#ASIIA.
Contact us for more information !
A few months ago we announced the renewal of our #collaboration with the Rare Diseases Foundation, as part of the co-design workshops in e-health & rare diseases.
Julie Rachline was able to contribute her #expertise to the ‘SCLER-AIME’ project, named winner this year. The opportunity for us to take stock of our partnership. For what ?!
🎯 To align our objectives and values, our efforts are guided by a shared vision: offering concrete and sustainable solutions to the complex challenges posed by #rarediseases.
🚀 To prepare for the future together, anticipate future challenges and issues to come and enable better health for as many people as possible.
Find the cross #ITW between Julie and pierre espinoza in the dedicated article.
Finally, for the 3rd consecutive year, LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator is a partner of DTx France©.
Announcing the arrival of the summer break, an event organized by TechToMed and which has become unmissable, this edition is entitled “France, future DTx nation? “
Beyond the friendship that binds us, our collaborations are plural and our ambitions come together, with an impetus given around a meeting between Franck LE MEUR and Julie Rachline a little over 10 years ago, already!
Member of the LallianSe #network with past and future collaborations, we are delighted to once again support Franck and the TechToMed team (Mathilde Pasko Laura Bailet Marie Certin).