Above all: hello 2021! It is with great enthusiasm that we expressed our greetings for the holidays season. Find below: Julie Rachline, CEO LallianSe :
And it is with a good momentum that we started 2021. We launched our chronicle Do you speak LallianSe? find hereby the first episodes #1 and #2 .
January was marked by our Aventure de l’Innovation #21, again in remote mode. This event which introduced our 2021 conference series, was presented by Daphné Revol and was about Startup Studios in healthcare.

Great news! Since early January, the team has grown with the arrival of: Daphné Revol as a Startup & Innovation Manager, and Pascale Jordan, Strategic Partner. Don’t miss out on our 3rd episod of our Do you speak LallianSe chronicle which will introduce our recruits… Stay tuned!
LallianSe was born in 2015 with the conviction that contributing individually to create a better healthcare system, a place where each stakeholder can have an impact, all together was possible. Thus, when Aude (CEO Lowpital) offered to join her in the Lowpital Greetings, we enthusiastically decided to play along.
Hello February!
At last but not least, in collaboration with APHP Sorbonne Université, and following the launch of our Challenge Innovation #2, the Jury took place and delibarated. We anticipate to share the winners and the Prizes ceremony in February in person if Covid allows it. Anyhow, we won’t fail to announce the winning projects on our social media…Stay connected…