LallianSe x Giant European Health-Tech Innovation week

We are proud to announce our partnership with Giant, for the “European Health-Tech Innovation week” which will be held from May 17th until 21st, in digital. The concept is simple : each day, an European capital will be in the spotlight in terms of health innovation. LallianSe will represent the’French Day’ which will be held on Tuesday, May 18th, 2021 ! Find out more about our agenda here.

Our morning speakers

We are very proud to announce our morning speakers and the participation of :

Alexandre Mignon I Université de Paris / APHP
Frédéric Jean I Digital Medical Hub
Alexandre Templier I Quinten Health
Aymeric Lebon I Strategiqual
François-Henri Boissel I Novadiscovery
Yann Gaston-Mathé I Iktos
Franck Le Meur I Techtomed
Philippe Moingeon I Servier
Virginie Lasserre I Janssen
Tawhid Chtioui I Aivancity

Many thanks to them for getting into this great adventure ! See their presentations here :

Our afternoon speakers :

We are very proud to announce our afternoon speakers and the participation of :

Jean-Christophe Peter I Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg
Guillaume Vetter-Genoud I Semia
Joseph André I Pulsalys
Grégory Vernier I MEDICALPS
Jessica Walker I Atlanpole
Simon Benouw I Eurasanté
Cécile Jupin I Business France

Following various technical problems during the inbound trade mission, we had to cut short the presentation of Jessica (Atlanpole) and Cécile (Business France). But with a little imagination and seeing a nice synergy in this duo, we recorded them on a ‘Pitch Party’ format, see the result:

And at last but not least, we are very excited announce our investors panel and the 8 start ups selected to pitch at our Start Up Pitch Contest, represented by :

Bervin BOUANI I Turenne Groupe
Benoit Barteau I Bpifrance
Catherine Boule I Karista
Emmanuelle Deponge I GO CAPITAL
Karine Lignel I Crédit Mutuel Innovation
Jean-Francois RAX I Capital Grand Est
Jérémie Waicenberg I Merieux Equity Partners

BodyCAP Medical I Sébastien Moussay
Healshape I Sophie Brac
Dianosic I Philippe Bastide
Vaxxel I Denis Cavert
Chronolife I Laurent Vandebrouck
Telomium I Guillaume Kellermann
Spartha Medical I Nihal Engin Vrana
AgenT Biotech I Baptiste Billoir

Many thanks to all of them for getting into this great adventure !

About last month #March 2021


March was marked by our Aventure de l’Innovation #22, this event was hosted by one of our historical LallianSe Experts, Olivier Favre-Bulle (CEO 3Biotech) : we would like to thank him for sharing his knowledge and experience so openly. No replay available, so feel free to reach out to us so that we can share some hints about this great event.

The award ceremony for the Challenge Innovation #2, which took place in February, was also an opportunity to highlight the partnership between LallianSe x the hospitals from APHP.Sorbonne Université, as well as Cécile Combes, winner of the Challenge Innovation, through our chronicle, Do you speak LallianSe, find here the episod #4.

And finally, we cannot look in the mirror for March without mentionning the 4th anniversary of the LallianSe LAB. 4 years of LallianSe LAB, four years of meetings, discussions, events, creation of projects, challenges, synergies, in short of community and amazing interactions. Thank you so much!


4 years of LallianSe LAB and a new adventure : with a new partnership with the HG APHP.Nord Université de Paris and the opening of the second LallianSe LAB at Bichat hospital in the north of Paris! The whole team is very excited of this new opening in 2021. A ‘journey notebook’ to share the project milestones and the birth of this new environment is under press… Stay tuned!

Hello April !

In April, join us for our Aventure de l’Innovation #23 which will be led by a tandem this time: Thierry Sarda, COO DTA Medical et Expert LallianSe & Christophe Vergne, fondateur et CEO MyPL. Meet on Tuesday, April 6th at 6.30pm, beware that this event is already full!

Finally, Pascale Maisonneuve,our partner and master in regulatory strategy will share our insights with our partner Médicalps :

– On Thursday, April 29th at 11am : “Médicament ou DM : Comment adapter ma stratégie réglementaire selon les nouvelles exigences européennes ? ” here is the link to register.