About last month #April 2021


April was marked by our Aventure de l’Innovation #23, still remote. This event was hosted by one of our historical LallianSe Expert, Thierry Sarda, COO DTA Medical in tandem with Christophe Vergne, founder & CEO MyPL. We would like to thank them for sharing their knowledge and experience so openly. Don’t hesitate to watch the replay,here is the link.

Finally, in April 29th, 2021, Pascale Maisonneuve, our Regulatory Strategy VP intervened with MEDICALPS. Dealing with many companies, Pascale was able to remind the various requirements applicable to medical devices as well as advise the participants on the choice of an appropriate regulatory strategy. Pascale shed light on the major regulatory questions to be asked for 2021.


Remember in January 2021 we launched our column Do you speak LallianSe? , a series of short interviews highlighting our community and the benefit of our synergies. Find the latest episodes #5 and #6.

Made with LallianSe : action!

It is with great pride that we have created a section dedicated to our success stories: Made with LallianSe: action! This was inaugurated by our sparring partner made with LallianSe : Thierry Sarda (COO) & François Dufaÿ (CEO) at DTAMedical. Find the interview with our Operating Partner Thierry Sarda on BFM Business Fabien GUEZ‘s Check Up Santé show below.

Hello May!

May will keep on surprising you and will be punctuated by 2 main events. The first one being the Aventure de l’Innovation #24, led by Clémence LAUR, Engineer Consultant at DIX SEPTEMBRE. You can already find the replay here.

The second event follow a new collaboration with Giant, for the «European Health-Tech Innovation week » which will take place from May, 17th until 21st 2021, in digital. The concept is simple : every day an European capital will be honored in matter of health innovation.

Rather than staying in Paris, LallianSe has decided to highlight different areas of the country and renamed the ‘Paris Day’ to ‘French Day’ which will take place on May 18th 2021 ! Find out who our speakers will be here.