Webinar digital protection : good practices?


Digital protection: good practices?

The development of digital innovations continues to continue. How to protect? how to optimize investments associated with digital tools through industrial property? how to capitalize on these aspects to build solid investment theses? How to implement a suitable protection strategy? How to create value for the company?

These are the questions that we ask ourselves at LallianSe and that we invite you to explore during this webinar.

To answer all these questions, we are highlighting Alexandre Lebkiri and Noémie Bardel from Cabinet Camus Lebkiri, Industrial Property Advice, to open discussions and perspectives on these key themes during a dedicated webinar. It will be about digital creations – with their very particular technical and legal specificities!

Find us on Friday, September 22, 2023 at 12 p.m., on Teams.. 

Registration at contact@lallianse.com


Medtech Forum Dublin – May 2023

The end of May was turned towards Europe with the Patrick Boisseau invitation to participate in the MedTech Europe in Dublin on Wednesday May 31st, 2023.

We pushed the boundaries of interactivity by giving the audience a voice on stage at the #MTF for our #Moveyourinnovation session.

To transform innovations into economic success, it is necessary to decompartmentalize and open up perspectives.

#Startups and #corporates are anticipating their times and planning to differing timelines and goals, while actively seeking #collaboration to accelerate #innovation and benefit #patients. So how can we manage this effectively?

To debate, we have brought together a prestigious and high-level #panel, moderated by Julie Rachline, with:

Enric Claverol : Head of the Medical Technologies Programme, European Commission 🇪🇺
Maeve McGrath : Head Healthcare Innovation, Roche
John MacNamara : VP R&D, Medtronic

Each was able to share their experience and expertise, like real #catalysts, to inspire and guide our audience. Thank you for sharing and engaging in dialogue around these key issues!

We are proud of this dynamic session where everyone’s voices were heard. This is how we will continue to drive innovation, collaboration, and health excellence!

#MTF2023 #patientfirst #partnership #innovationinhealthcare

The Entrepreneurs

It was in 2018 for the 1st edition of FestiLAB that we created this acoustic rock band, made by LallianSe. Made up of CEOs and health entrepreneurs, these amateurs – or not – get involved every year with great enthusiasm and go on stage to provide the first part of the event.

We warmly thank them, it is a pleasure to see them rehearse and make the public dance every year:

Cesar Blin I Olivier Blin I Guillaume Bouchara I Mireille Chadaida I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Emmanuelle Deponge I Pascale Jordan & Leo I Alicia Mc Loughlin I Vanessa Msika I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler.

Find the playlist of the group, The Entrepreneurs, below :

The Entrepreneurs

FestiLAB #5


TheFestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event, to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. Indeed,the profits are then given to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne Université group during the Challenge Innovation.

This 5th edition will be held on Tuesday July 4, 2023, from 6:30 pm., in the chapel of the Saint Louis Church of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Lucie Carbone, humorist and actress, whom we thank. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs: seven talents of health innovation who will take the stage.

We would like to thank all the #benefactors who support this charity event : Goodwin I Lowpital I Alira Health I HTI – Healthcare & Technology International I L3S Partnership I Rumb I TechToMed and of course LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator !

A huge thank you also to our most beautiful music group,The Entrepreneurs, who will host the fundraising evening: Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan &Leo I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler I Mireille Chadaida

As well as our priviledged partners: AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris I Plug & Play I Henry WESTHEAD I PLUG AND PLAY .I Henry WESTHEAD I Cuisine Mode d’Emploi(s) I Nadim Kettaneh and its delicious Lebanese ice cream Bältis and at last but not least Maison Options & ACARIS.


The Entrepreneurs

During the FestiLAB #5, on Tuesday July 4, 2023, the two winners of the #ChallengeInnovation4 were able to present their winning projects.

Find the winners in the article dedicated to the Challenge Innovation #4 !

Let’s go back to FestiLAB #5

Les Embûches de l’Innovation #3

We are thrilled to have Gilles Avenard beside us for the 3rd edition !

Meet us on Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 at 7pm in digital

Event by registration only, at embuche@lallianse.com.


Innovation and failure are thus intrinsically linked. And the enthusiasm is essential of course!

What about the culture of failure and risk in the innovation ecosystem in France?
How to bounce back and keep your enthusiasm?
How to accept to go to new situations sometimes difficult?

It is around testimony, then exchange, simple, without taboos and in all benevolence, that we invite you to come and share your enthusiasm and the failures encountered, or to listen to our speakers, in order to highlight the paths to success.

Want to contribute? Contact us: embuche@lallianse.com

Watch the #replay below:

Les Embûches de l’Innovation #2

We are thrilled to have the Surge team beside us for the 2nd edition !

Meet us on Tuesday, December 13th 2022 at 7pm,

Either at our Pitié-Salpêtrière space or in digital

Event by registration only, at embuche@lallianse.com.


Innovation and failure are thus intrinsically linked. And the enthusiasm is essential of course!

What about the culture of failure and risk in the innovation ecosystem in France?
How to bounce back and keep your enthusiasm?
How to accept to go to new situations sometimes difficult?

It is around testimony, then exchange, simple, without taboos and in all benevolence, that we invite you to come and share your enthusiasm and the failures encountered, or to listen to our speakers, in order to highlight the paths to success.

Want to contribute? Contact us: embuche@lallianse.com

Watch the #podcast below:

Embûches de l’Innovation #1

We are officially launching our 1st Embûche de l’Innovation !

We are thrilled to have Stéphane Degove beside us for the kick-off.

Meet us on Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 at 7pm, in our Pitié-Salpêtrière space.

Event by registration only, at embuche@lallianse.com.


Innovation and failure are thus instrinsically linked. And the enthusiasm is essential of course!

What about the culture of failure and risk in the innovation ecosystem in France?
How to bounce back and keep your enthusiasm?
How to accept to go to new situations sometimes difficult?

It is around testimony, then exchange, simple, without taboos and in all benevolence, that we invite you to come and share your enthusiasm and the failures encountered, or to listen to our speakers, in order to highlight the paths to success.

Want to contribute? Contact us: embuche@lallianse.com

Les Embûches de l’Innovation


Innovation and failure are thus instrinsically linked. And the enthusiasm is essential of course!

What about the culture of failure and risk in the innovation ecosystem in France?
How to bounce back and keep your enthusiasm?
How to accept to go to new situations sometimes difficult?

It is around testimony, then exchange, simple, without taboos and in all benevolence, that we invite you to come and share your enthusiasm and the failures encountered, or to listen to our speakers, in order to highlight the paths to success.

Want to contribute? Contact us: embuche@lallianse.com