In this beginning of the month of March, we went to the 1st edition of the #MedInTechs,convention, face to face in Paris which puts back the citizen et the patient at the heart of health innovation.
It was the occasion to meet up with several members of the LallianSe network, such as BrainTale and his team, but also Benjamin Kammoun, Celine Riou, MyPL, the Digital Pharma Lab team, the Digital Medical Hub Mathieu Grajoszex & Frederic Jean, Anca Petre to name a few.
We also listened to excellent speakers at conferences and workshops such as Isabelle Zablit-Schmitz, Franck Mouthon, Sophie Brac de la Perrière, Anaïs Barut, Nina Rognon and many others, to end with a closing ceremony in the presence of Mr Olivier Veran.
A big thank you to Muriel Benitah, Lucas Thiery and all their team for the organization.
Our Aventures de l’Innovation continue, and it’s with an interactive model that Emmanuelle Deponge lead her presentation on March 15th. The corporate governance, the relationships between investors, board and operational teams captivate you ? You were not able to participate ? Watch the replay below:
We announced it in our previous About last months, following the organization of our preparatory workshops for the Challenge Innovation #3, it’s Lowpital who played along with the 10th episode of our Do you speak LallianSe ? chronicle meet Aude Nyadanu, PhD x Maylis Callier :
Other essential information not to forget ! Braintale, our flagship project, is actually part of the 8 startup winners of the #FrenchHealthcare Booster Germany 2022, announced the launch of #BrainTaleCare with the CE of IIa class label of his two moduls, and ended the month by being quoted by Challenges in the Medtech & Biotech section as one of the 100 start-ups in which to invest in 2022 ! Congratulations to #BrainTale !
Since 2016, LallianSe is building the adapted investment theses: between the cofoundation of the company, the integration in the team, the hosting in hospital coworking, the arranging of experts and entrepreneurs in residence, the fundraising … It’s LallianSe touch for the #SuccessStory.
Lastly, it is this type of success which gave us the desire to face and think about the new challenges in health innovation.

Pioneers and carriers of the health innovation integrator concept for 6 years, LallianSe transforms innovations in economic successes by the construction and the placing in action of investment thesis.
Our assessment is simple: to develop efficient and lasting health solutions, we need to focus on the market in itself and not on the technologies. And it’s precisely our capacity to discuss and to get together multiple healthcare actors (hospitals, entrepreneurs, investors, laboratories and universities) which gives us the unique possibility to contribute to the ecosystem.
And so the launch of our Immersion offer is an obvious solution: concrete, it allies expertise, follow ups, and networks, offering you an environment favorable to your success.
Join us!
The month of April started with an active collaboration with the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG), expert in the carrier evolution of docteurs (PhDs) around the Apéro Doc Docteurs & Entrepreneurs which took plate on April 7th at the LallianSe space at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. Find the event presentation, the pictures and the pitch podcasts on our dedicated article.
It was a pleasure to host our speakers :
– Jérôme Braudeau I CEO AgenT-biotech
– Olga Chashchina I Co-founder Metyos
– Benjamin Kammoun I Program Manager WILCO
– Laurent Levy I Co-founderNanobiotix
We’d like to thank also the ABG – Association Bernard Gregory team : Vincent Mignotte I Laurence Friteau, PhD I Véronique Dupont I Ouissame Benfaida

We continued the month with the 32nd édition of our Aventures de l’Innovation.
Is it the brain or the heart which influences the investment perception ? What are the decision criteria to invest ? Is it a job of intuition of experience ?
It is with a lot of authenticity and pragmatism that Catherine Boule, Managing partner at Karista shared her experience as an investor.
You missed our adventure ? Throwback on this event with the link of the replay.
We then revealed a new episode, the #11, of our chronicle and when asked Do you speak LallianSe? It is with the utmost natural that Romain Gombert answered: “ LallianSe in the sens gathering the whole of the jobs to improve the system of care : yes”. Meet him here:
Lastly, we cannot finish this article without going back on the announcement of the yearly event, the one which marks the beginning of summer and of the summer holidays : the FestiLAB #4 !
Meet us and come participate in a virtuous development process of the #innovations at the #hospital : a unique night to collect #donations for innovative projects of the #paramedical and technical personnel of the teaching hospital group #AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Sorbonne Université.
We obviously thank the sponsors of our previous #FestiLAB : Goodwin Anne-Charlotte Riviere I Lowpital Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Nextep Guillaume Bouchara I Alira Health Marc Nomaksteinsky Benjamin Chambon I L3S Partnership Virginie Lleu I TechToMed Franck LE MEUR Emma Decrozant et LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator of course !
Also a big thanks to our exceptional musician group, The Entrepreneurs, who animates the night of donation collecting : Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Emmanuelle Deponge Dorothée Uriet & Mireille Chadaida 🤘 🙏