May was focused on major challenges in terms of healthcare innovation
In Europe first, with the invitation ofPatrick Boisseau to host during theMedTech Europe in Dublin on Wednesday May 31, 2023, the #Moveyourinnovation here we were able to push the limits of interactivity by giving the public a voice on the stage. #Startups and #Corporates are anticipating their times and planning according to different timelines and objectives while actively seeking to collaborate to accelerate innovation and benefit patients. So how can we manage this effectively?
To debate, we have assembled a prestigious and high-level panel, moderated by Julie Rachline, with:
- Enric Claverol : Head of the Medical Technologies Programme, European Commission 🇪🇺
- Maeve McGrath : Head Healthcare Innovation, Roche
- John MacNamara : VP R&D, Medtronic
Another city, another event, but an unavoidable issue. On the occasion of #santexpo2023, Institut Curie, Hospices Civils de Lyon – HCL, LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator and SATT Paris-Saclay shared their vision and practices on innovation in hospitals and the 5 steps to manage the transfer of technology and the valorization after the invitation of Benoit Labarthe and the AIS.
With the feedback from Cécile Campagne, Armelle Dion, Julie Rachline, KENZA L.BENNANI-BELHAJ & Benoît Labarthe: very enriching complementary, diversified and shared experiences.

Finally, in partnership with the CNRS, the Alliancy editorial team offered to present BrainTale, LallianSe’s flagship initiative and Deeptech spin-off start-up from AP-HP, in a female panel around Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS, on the institute’s strategy in terms of promoting public research whose respective markets (health, quantum and industry) concern the major challenges of tomorrow. Watch the replay below:
📣 We were proud to share the #successstory of #BrainTale, which announced its fundraising of 4.5 million euros !
Co-founded and accompanied by LallianSe from 2018, then by ensuring the General Management of the #startup since 2020 by Julie Rachline, the relationship between LallianSe and BrainTale is today:
+6 years of collaboration
8 Experts from our network
2 products on the market
EU & US expansion
And above all a successful first institutional fundraiser!
This #success is our daily driving force, which illustrates our know-how and #commitment to transforming innovations into economic success.
LFundraising is a key step in the development of a startup. But in the current climate, under pressure for innovation financing, building a robust #equitystory that speaks to #investors is essential, and finding the right support is a determining factor.
It is on this theme that we were invited by David PETITEAU to the Agora organized by Medicen to intervene

alongside Sophie Cahen (Ganymed Robotics) during the workshop “how to succeed in fundraising”.
ndeed, at LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator, we create tailor-made courses to meet the challenges of the projects we support. By mobilizing our #Experts & #Entrepreneursenrésidence, we support #startups at every stage of their development.

And it is precisely one of our LallianSe Experts that we highlighted during our #summeredition, a #roundtable dedicated to market access and on an essential question:
💡 How to integrate the early access strategy into the development of a drug?
AMEL has indeed joined our community of Experts-in-residence since 2020 to support the structuring and implementation of clinical plans, medical strategy and scientific orientations for drugs and medical devices. She worked in tandem with Jeanne who joined #Atessia in 2018 as a Senior Consultant. Consulting and expertise firm in Regulatory and Pharmaceutical Affairs, Atessia is a committed and determined player in advancing and supporting healthcare companies.
🤝 Our common values and our philosophy made this #collaboration natural!
June continued under the theme of innovation in the hospital

First of all during APInnov, we had the pleasure of announcing the creation of ASIIA: an association created by entrepreneurs and health professionals, for entrepreneurs and health professionals: association des Sociétés Innovantes Issues de l’Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris.
With a unique proximity to the AP-HP, its objective is simple: to promote the creation of innovative companies and above all to help them grow while effectively articulating the links between health professionals, entrepreneurship and concrete development of innovations.
Today, we must allow all the start-ups linked to and resulting from the AP-HP to benefit from the dynamism of a collective

and support the highlighting of the capacity for innovation of the French public hospital institution. in a concrete way for the benefit of patients.
Professor Pierre Mozer chairs it, while Julie Rachline acts as general secretary.
Launching initiatives dedicated to the hospital community is a subject that is close to our hearts and that we have been promoting for more than 5 years.
Our hospital immersion in the heart of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital allowed us to initiate a unique innovation approach in France, which we had the chance to present during the “Rendez-vous de l’Innovation paramédicale” organized by the CHU de Bordeaux & France Biotech by illustrating with a concrete example: the feedback of Sandrine Bottius, our #winner of the Grand Prix of #ChallengeInnovation 3…
…while in Paris, Sandrine Bottius presented during the 2nd Colloquium on the #Transition teen-adult, her winning digital escape game project.
What do all these actors and these two events have in common?Paramedical innovation.
Why did we launch these initiatives? We believe these are effective ways to:
* Give legitimacy, recognition and visibility to innovation projects
* Stimulate creativity, collaboration and innovation
* Attract and retain talent in the hospital – enhance careers
* Promote the rising approach and give voice to caregivers
* Promote entrepreneurship and train in the innovation process
How do we launch these initiatives? Continue reading…
We could not end this article without mentioning our flagship annual event, FestiLAB #5: the artistic, unique and unifying annual #event organized by LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator, bringing together public and private partners, volunteers and committed to the development of a virtuous ecosystem of health innovation.
The event makes it possible to bring out innovation projects in Health, by donating the #benefits collected during the evening on the occasion of the #ChallengeInnovation, call for innovative projects dedicated to the paramedical and technical staff of the Hospital-University Group AP- HP, Public Assistance – Hospitals of Paris. Sorbonne University
It was during the evening that the Research and Innovation Department of APHP.Sorbonne Université, represented by Mr Kévin Attal, and the General Management of LallianSe, represented by Mrs Julie Rachline, unanimously by the Jury awarded two prizes.
Find the winners in the article dedicated to the Challenge Innovation #4
We would like to thank all the #benefactors who support this charity event : Goodwin I Lowpital I Alira Health I HTI – Healthcare & Technology International I L3S Partnership I Rumb I TechToMed and of course LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator !
A huge thank you also to our most beautiful music group,The Entrepreneurs, who will host the fundraising evening: Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan &Leo I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler I Mireille Chadaida
As well as our priviledged partners: AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris I Plug & Play I Henry WESTHEAD I PLUG AND PLAY .I Henry WESTHEAD I Cuisine Mode d’Emploi(s) I Nadim Kettaneh and its delicious Lebanese ice cream Bältis and at last but not least Maison Options & ACARIS.