The Entrepreneurs

It was in 2018 for the 1st edition of FestiLAB that we created this acoustic rock band, made by LallianSe. Made up of CEOs and health entrepreneurs, these amateurs – or not – get involved every year with great enthusiasm and go on stage to provide the first part of the event.

We warmly thank them, it is a pleasure to see them rehearse and make the public dance every year:

Cesar Blin I Olivier Blin I Guillaume Bouchara I Mireille Chadaida I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Emmanuelle Deponge I Pascale Jordan & Leo I Alicia Mc Loughlin I Vanessa Msika I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler.

Find the playlist of the group, The Entrepreneurs, below :

The Entrepreneurs

Summer edition dedicated to early access

We are pleased to organize on
Wednesday June 14th, 2023, from 7pm,
a summer edition dedicated to early access

Meet Amel Benkritly (LallianSe Expert) and Jeanne Ducorroy (Atessia) around a round-table discussion on:

How to integrate the early access strategy into drug development ?

Registration is mandatory (12€ donation for food costs) via HelloAsso:

About last months #March & #April 2023


March was an opportunity to highlight our community: entrepreneurs, Experts-in-Residence, students, startups and many others.

It is through a common vision oriented around the #patient and the #medical #community that our links with BIOMUNEX PHARMACEUTICALS have been built. For nearly 5 years, with an Expert-in-Residence at the helm of the outsourced Financial Department, #LallianSe has supported #Biomunex around different strategic and operational perspectives.

Meeting the needs of innovative companies with agility, flexibility and tailor-made: our commitment and our DNA since 2015!

Meet Pierre-Emmanuel Gerard, President, Founder and CEO of Biomunex, in the 𝘋𝘰 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘓𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘚𝘦 ?

At LallianSe, each support is structured to measure, in a flexible and agile way to meet the key challenges of the development of our customers and partners – another example with NBGH

Initiative launched by Voisin Consulting Life Sciences (VCLS) and led by Sébastien Giraudier, PhD, #Neighborhood is an annual #support program for 12 #health #startups which offers a series of interviews, support, exchanges and mentoring sessions .

#NBGH asked #LallianSe to lead the “360° Sessions” at the instigation of Emmanuelle Deponge, involved in the selection of projects while being #ExperteLallianSe for several years.

These sessions challenge all areas of business development: from planning to execution, from regulatory strategy to organization, thanks to LallianSe’s unique track-record and Emmanuelle’s #expertise.

lancée par et pilotée par #Neighborhood est un programme d’ #accompagnement annuel de 12 #startups en #santé qui offre une série d’entretiens, accompagnements, échanges et sessions de mentoring.

With#LallianSeEducation, two other synergies have emerged, made with LallianSe :

1. Under the impetus of Benedicte Garbil and Pauline Seiter this time, as part of the Bioentrepreneurs Launchpad master’s degree.

Launched by the Institut Imagine X-HEC Entrepreneurs and Université Paris Cité, this is a program for training #entrepreneurs and accelerating #startup#healthtech projects, with a strong impact for patients s addressed to scientists, pharmacists, engineers or even business and legal. Three LallianSe #Experts ensured this collaboration this year: Pascale Maisonneuve around strategic #regulatory aspects, followed by a 2nd one with Emmanuelle Deponge with an #investor focus and finally the last one with Chantal BELORGEY (Haute Autorité de Santé) about the market access. Three essential axes that make up the investment thesis, our keystone.

2. As part of the #Sorbonne University Diploma: training in the Valorization of Biomedical Research co-directed by Julie Rachline and Pierre Mozerand with the essential and original impulse of Alain Sezeur.

We had the opportunity to organize a #tableronde dedicated to #ehealth #issues with Alexandru A., Empiric Capital ▪️Catherine Boule Karista ▪️ Nicolas Castoldi @Hôtel-Dieu AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris ▪️ Franck LE MEUR TechToMed ▪️ Jeanne TIEU-BENICHOU Future4Care who not only shared their visions of e-health, but also debated and discussed the organizational, transformational and more generally consequences of our health and care system, driven by e-health .

Impossible to escape this fundamental #transformation: join the movement, and don’t hesitate to participate next year in #DUGBM – registrations will be open soon.

Sharing our experiences by supporting the training of the professionals of tomorrow: this is the approach that we favor, in addition to our other activities, to build the environment favorable to the #success of #innovations.

Finally, we organized alongside #Atessia a #webinar dedicated to #DM and more specifically on “The importance of a regulatory strategy when launching an innovative medical device”.

Consulting and expertise firm in Regulatory and Pharmaceutical Affairs, ATESSIA, Life Science Advisors is a committed and determined player in advancing and supporting healthcare companies. Our common values and our philosophy make this #collaboration natural.

We thank the team led by Géraldine BAUDOT-VISSER & Camille NEERMUL.


At the start of the year, we announced the renewal of our #collaboration with the Rare Diseases Foundation as part of co-design workshops in e-health & rare diseases for projects in the early study phase. It was as a LallianSe Expert that Julie Rachline was able to bring her experience and #expertise.

What are the objectives of these workshops?
🎯 Helping in the initiation of innovative projects by identifying the necessary resources and the key steps for their implementation
🎯 Adopt a collaborative approach and stimulate inter-business dialogue from the first ideas
🎯 Promote discussions with partners and Experts who master the subject

Why is this important to us?
💪 To promote the emergence of innovations carried out by health professionals
🙌 To support the improvement of the care and life course of people with a rare disease
🤝 To be consistent with our values and our field initiatives

The alignment of our values with this initiative is also supported by our hospital immersion. Indeed, our unique location in the heart of the hospital allows us to build privileged relationships and launch initiatives dedicated to the medical and hospital community.

A few weeks ago we announced the launch of the 4th edition of the #ChallengeInnovation – innovation competition for #paramedical and #medicotechnical staff, in collaboration with the AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Sorbonne University.

Last year we innovated and redesigned the course by integrating #DesignThinking workshops to support project leaders in preparing their files with Lowpital. This year, the course has been further improved with the involvement of Kevin ATTAL, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation at the GHU. By adopting an active & agile approach, a complementary tailor-made course has been set up for more successful projects, with the support of various GHU departments.

We are happy to renew this virtuous initiative to encourage #innovations in #hospital.

In this same momentum of initiatives, we were also very happy to announce the 5th edition of FestiLAB!

The FestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event whose mission is to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. The profits collected are then donated to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the AP-HP group’s hospital sites. Sorbonne University during the Challenge Innovation.

This fifth edition will be held on Tuesday July 4, 2023, from 6:30 p.m., in the chapel of the Saint Louis Church of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Lucie Carbone, humorist and actress, whom we thank you. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs: seven talents of health innovation who will take the stage, an amateur acoustic rock band who works alongside us to bring out initiatives and innovation projects. Hoping to have the pleasure of counting you among us for this new edition!

Opening of the ticket office in a few weeks #staytuned..

FestiLAB #5


TheFestiLAB is a private and unique artistic event, to collect donations for the benefit of health innovation. Indeed,the profits are then given to innovation projects carried out by the paramedical staff of the hospital sites of the APHP.Sorbonne Université group during the Challenge Innovation.

This 5th edition will be held on Tuesday July 4, 2023, from 6:30 pm., in the chapel of the Saint Louis Church of the Pitié Salpêtrière hospital – an exceptional moment thanks to Lucie Carbone, humorist and actress, whom we thank. And in the first part, The Entrepreneurs: seven talents of health innovation who will take the stage.

We would like to thank all the #benefactors who support this charity event : Goodwin I Lowpital I Alira Health I HTI – Healthcare & Technology International I L3S Partnership I Rumb I TechToMed and of course LallianSe – Life Sciences Integrator !

A huge thank you also to our most beautiful music group,The Entrepreneurs, who will host the fundraising evening: Olivier Blin I Aude Nyadanu, PhD I Cesar Blin I Pascale Jordan &Leo I Jonathan CHRIQUI I Dorothée Uriet I Elodie Brient-Litzler I Mireille Chadaida

As well as our priviledged partners: AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris I Plug & Play I Henry WESTHEAD I PLUG AND PLAY .I Henry WESTHEAD I Cuisine Mode d’Emploi(s) I Nadim Kettaneh and its delicious Lebanese ice cream Bältis and at last but not least Maison Options & ACARIS.


The Entrepreneurs

During the FestiLAB #5, on Tuesday July 4, 2023, the two winners of the #ChallengeInnovation4 were able to present their winning projects.

Find the winners in the article dedicated to the Challenge Innovation #4 !

Let’s go back to FestiLAB #5

Do you speak LallianSe ? #19 Pierre-Emmanuel Gérard, Biomunex

Meet Pierre-Emmanuel Gérard, President, Founder & CEO of Biomunex.

It is through a common vision oriented around the #patient and the #medical #community that our links with BIOMUNEX PHARMACEUTICALS have been built.

For almost 5 years, with an Expert-in-Residence at the helm of the outsourced Financial Department, #LallianSe has accompanied #Biomunex around different strategic and operational perspectives.

Meeting the needs of innovative companies with agility, flexibility and tailor-made: our commitment and our DNA since 2015!

Key development challenges for the company in the coming months to actively contribute through its science of excellence, its relevant positioning and its top team:

Meet Pierre-Emmanuel Gerard, President, Founder and CEO of Biomunex, in our 𝘋𝘰 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘓𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘚𝘦?

#synergies #network #values #health #innovation #biotech #healthcare #immunotherapy #XIR

About last months #January & #February 2023


On your marks, get set…GO !

The tone was set from the beginning ofJanuary: new year, new collaborations, new perspectives

2023 is launched with #LallianSeenmouvement and more precisely during #JPMorganWeek in San Francisco . Building and operating equity stories at #LallianSe requires understanding and translating the financing and innovation environment. Allowing entrepreneurs and managers to refine their development and investor relations strategies is one of our essential pillars.


Associating LallianSe with the #FrenchCorner of Business France and contributing to this by co-organizing the #FrenchHappyHour was therefore obvious and in continuity with the last edition of the French night, 3 years ago!

We thank our #partners and especially Jerome Revole Marie-Astrid Sevilla & Ilyès Loutfi, Pharm.D from Business France Healthcare – North America.

In our approach to bring out the initiatives and projects of tomorrow, LallianSe has renewed the #collaboration with the Fondation Maladies Rares for the #atelier de co-design pour les #innovations en santé numérique. Julie Rachline explains why it’s important to us: listen to her!

How to bring out innovation projects by caregivers, at the heart of the hospital?

Through our initiatives and our commitment since 2017 to caregivers, we have notably initiated since 2018 the #ChallengeInnovation– annual innovation competition in partnership with the hospital-university group AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris.Sorbonne Université.

Last year, the first #prize was awarded to Sandrine Bottius, course coordinator in the transition service from pediatrics to the adult sector at La Pitié-Salpêtrière, for the development of an #escapegame for adolescents and young people. adults. Beyond the financial allocation provided by the hospital, LallianSe accompanies Sandrine for 12 months through regular, dedicated meetings, network opening, management of service providers, identification of key partners and many other actions. Again. Hospital immersion by #LallianSe allows the emergence of #synergies and relationships between operators and care actors.

Check out our shared #values in the latest #DoYouSpeakLallianSe?

Finally, it is a pleasure to find our initiative cited by #Lowpital in the article published on the theme “How can healthcare intrapreneurship & collaborative methods contribute to improving the patient experience?“. This is the question that #Lowpital had to answer in the article published by® | L’expertise interdisciplinaire en management de la santé.

Finally, in September 2022 we announced the #launch of LallianSe Education. In the deployment of this new initiative, first module of the #Sorbonne Université Diploma: formation à la Valorisation de la Recherche Biomédicale. This #training, whose direction is provided by Julie Rachline alongside Pierre Mozer and under the initial and unfailing impetus of Alain Sezeur, is aimed at all researchers, engineers, administrators, health professionals, doctoral students… and others !

The diploma training addresses all the #issues of research and biomedical innovation as well as the techniques of enhancement beyond being a first stone to initiate and develop your #network. The other two weeks of modules are scheduled for next March!

In the continuity of our sharing of experiences, we launched the 3rd edition of the Embûches de l’Innovation with the participation of Gilles Avenard, CEO Acticor Biotech.

A historic relationship between Gilles Avenard and Pascale Maisonneuve, both hematologists, and then crossed entrepreneur / investor paths between Gilles Avenard and Julie Rachline – thank you for playing the game of sharing and resilience with us!

If you’re wondering how he (eventually) managed to fund the development of a stroke drug, find the replay .


The launch of the 4th edition of the Challenge Innovation has taken place!

For the 4th time, LallianSe and AP-HP Sorbonne Université have joined forces to launch Challenge Innovation #4 – innovation competition for #paramedical and #medicotechnical staff at GH.

In order to initiate our call for projects, on Monday February 6, 2023, we organized a Rencontre de l’Innovation, a conference intended for the paramedical and technical staff of the GHU APHP.Sorbonne Université.

In line with our hospital #immersion for 6 years, we thought of this exchange as an opportunity to make the #hospital community interact around innovation issues. The opportunity to highlight the 2 winners of the #ChallengeInnovation3, Sandrine Bottius and Axelle Pierre-Joseph, who came to testify about their careers and the progress of their innovative projects.

In January, you were able to discover a Do you speak LallianSe ? with Sandrine, we now offer you to listen to the winner of the second #prize, Axelle Pierre-Joseph, stomatherapist nurse at Pitié-Salpêtrière for the REVAP STOMIE project. This is a #virtualreality (#VR) teaching tool for student nurses to improve #ostomy care. Bravo Axelle, #LallianSe is happy with these 6 months of support too!

Check out our shared #values in the latest #DoYouSpeakLallianSe?

Our commitment and the values we uphold do not stop at the hospital. The sense of entrepreneurship, the fierce desire to transform ideas into health products in an effective, sustainable way that responds to key health issues is also expressed through our speaking out.

And especially during the 2nd virtual round table organized by the #ESCP alumni community. Focused on #earlystage #investment in #deeptech healthcare startups, this roundtable brought together investors, founders and professors.

Thanks to Jianfeng Li for proposing to Julie Rachline to be part of it as #LallianSe and BrainTale CEO, alongside Benjamin JoffeFrederic JallatAdrien Gatineau and Paul Rinaudo.

The same goes for supporting causes that are dear to us. Under the aegis of the Ministère de la Santé and Prevention François BRAUN, the #colloqueFAST was held, bringing together energies to accelerate the fight against #cancers of children and adolescents.

Bringing a benefit to patients, seeking #impact and achieving it: a strong #ambition to ultimately succeed in this fight against pediatric cancers. #LallianSe is proud to contribute in its own way to this essential battle.

Thanks to ERRARD Patrick for organizing and moderating this round table “To change scale by inventing a new financing model” in which Julie Rachline was able to participate remotely, alongside Lise ALTER, Eric BASEILHAC and Michel Lauzzana.

Do you speak LallianSe ? #18 Axelle Pierre-Joseph, AP-HP

Meet Axelle Pierre-Joseph, ET nurse at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (AP-HP)

Remember, as part of our #collaboration with AP-HP.Sorbonne Université for the 3rd #ChallengeInnovation for #paramedical and #medicotechnical staff at the Hospital Group, the first prize was awarded to Axelle Pierre-Joseph, ET nurse at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.

Since September 2022, LallianSe has been supporting Axelle on her project. Hospital immersion by LallianSe allows the emergence of #synergies and relationships between operators and care actors.

Discover our shared #values ​​in this #DoYouSpeakLallianSe?

#community #innovation #hospital

Challenge Innovation #4

February 6th, 2023

We have the pleasure to officially launch our Challenge Innovation #4!

The Challenge Innovation is the competition initiated by LallianSe since 2018 with APHP.Sorbonne University to distribute the profits generated during the previous FestiLAB, an annual charity event.

Made possible by the support of privileged partners which brings together around an artistic project, an acoustic rock band and a private event for the actors of innovation (entrepreneurs, hospitals, researchers, investors, recruiters, developers, service providers, etc.). The Challenge Innovation is the competition designed to distribute the donations collected during FestiLAB.

In order to launch our call for projects, on Monday February 6th, 2023, we organized a Rencontre de l’Innovation, a conference intended for the paramedical and technical staff of the GH APHP.Sorbonne University.

We’d like to thank our speakers and partners : Loïc Carballido (Director at the Research & Innovation Department at the GH APHP. Sorbonne Université) and Kévin Attal (Deputy Director at the Research & Innovation Department at the GH APHP. Sorbonne Université), both winners of the Challenge Innovation #3, Sandrine Bottius & Axelle Pierre-Joseph, Aude Nyadanu (serial entrepreneurs, singer of our rock band The Entrepreneurs at the FestiLAB, founder of Lowpital and much more), and at last Julie Rachline (CEO LallianSe). Find their experiences and interventions in the #replay below:

Here are the process, the terms & conditions, as well as the timetable for applying.

You have an idea, a project and you meet the mandatory conditions to apply?

Fill out our online questionnaire and send it back to us before February 24th 2023 at

Get started on the adventure!

May,6th, 2023

#ChallengeInnovation4: here we go! 🚀

A few weeks ago we announced the launch of the 4th edition of the #ChallengeInnovation – innovation competition for #paramedical et #medicaltechnical staff, in collaboration with the AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Sorbonne Université. 

Last year we innovated and redesigned the course by integrating #DesignThinking workshops to support project leaders in preparing their files with Lowpital.

This year, the course has been further improved with the involvement of Kevin ATTAL, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation at the GHU. By adopting an active & agile approach, a complementary tailor-made course has been set up for more successful projects, with the support of various GHU departments.

Our unique location in the heart of the hospital allows us to forge privileged relationships with the medical and hospital communities, to form and federate a unique ecosystem within the world of health. We are happy to renew this virtuous initiative to encourage #innovations in #hospital.

July,6th, 2023

#ChallengeInnovation4: Jury deliberations

The Jury was composed of Ms. Pauline Maisani, Director of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and Deputy Director General of the GHU APHP.SU, Mr. Kévin Attal, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation of the GH APHP.SU, Ms. Bénédicte Lombart, Paramedical co-coordinator of Research in nursing, rehabilitation and medico-technical care of the GHU APHP.SU, Mrs Pascale Maisonneuve, General Secretary of the LallianSe association, and finally Mrs Julie Rachline, President of LallianSe.

During the FestiLAB #5, on Tuesday July 4, 2023, the two winners of the #ChallengeInnovation4 were able to present their winning projects.

Grand Prize, endowment of €20,000 and support from LallianSe was awarded to the “ParaM’Aide” project led by Célia Clinchard, Masseur-Physiotherapist at Armand Trousseau Hospital :

ParaM’aide is an application intended for healthcare professionals which facilitates the orientation of patients by healthcare staff, allowing the best patient care.

Second Prize, endowment of €7,000 and support from LallianSe was awarded to the “E-Learning Nutrition” project led by Eve Desnoyers, dietician at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and coordinator of the Specialized Obesity Center (CSO) in IDF :

Complete the care of patients with obesity in CSOs in Ile de France thanks to E-learning in order to help patients in their daily follow-up, to consolidate the concepts covered during their course of care and facilitate access to educational content; including for the most precarious people, in order to change their behavior.

The Jury would like to point out the quality of all the projects presented to it. The GHU APHP.Sorbonne University and LallianRenew to all the paramedical and technical staff their congratulations for having participated, and hope to continue these projects for the emergence and promotion of health innovations.

October,10th, 2024

One-to-one with Gérard Garouste

What analogies between artistic creation and innovation? How can we draw inspiration from artistic creativity in our daily lives as entrepreneurs?

In accordance with our #values, and through our #atypical approach, LallianSe has taken the initiative to stimulate a privileged dialogue with Gérard Garouste, one of the most important contemporary painters, by organizing an exclusive and unique event: a one-to-one and a visit to his retrospective at the Centre Pompidou, which you can visit until 2023 January 2.

Transmission, perseverance, resilience and ambition – qualities and values highlighted by Gérard Garouste, which are perfectly reflected in our daily lives as entrepreneurs, researchers and other players in the world of healthcare innovation.

Thanks to Gérard and the #AssociationLaSource for this suspended moment and these nods to our #Embûches de l’Innovation, beyond being an essential source of inspiration for an enthusiastic future.

Find below some photos of the event!

Do you speak LallianSe ? #17 Sandrine Bottius, AP-HP

Meet Sandrine Bottius, course coordinator in the transition service from pediatrics to the adult sector at Pitié-Salpêtrière (AP-HP)

Remember, as part of our #collaboration with AP-HP.Sorbonne Université for the 3rd #ChallengeInnovation for #paramedical and #medicotechnical staff at the Hospital Group, the first prize was awarded to Sandrine Bottius, course coordinator in the transition service from pediatrics to the adult sector at Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, for the development of an escape game for adolescents and young adults.

Since September 2022, LallianSe has been supporting Sandrine on her project. Hospital immersion by LallianSe allows the emergence of #synergies and relationships between operators and care actors.

Discover our shared #values ​​in this #DoYouSpeakLallianSe?

#community #innovation